Rivendell School

per varios casus - through various journeys

Telephone02 9743 1075


Our programs

The following are the programs available at our school:

  • Lawson
  • Yaralla
  • Paterson
  • Sulman
  • Walker
  • Gna Ka Lun

Academic programs

The Learning Centre

The Learning Centre is an innovative step in supporting Rivendell students to experience a larger classroom environment in preparation for the return to their mainstream schools.

The Learning Centre was established in term 1 2015. This enabled the provision of Rivendell developed curriculum in the areas of Science, Mathematics, History, Geography, English and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) to all stage 5 students by faculty teachers.

Curriculum teams use release time to develop the scope and sequence for each area in line with NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA) requirements. Assessment tasks are established for each area, and assessments completed and reported on to parents/carers each semester.

Religion and Ethics

There are no special religious education and special education in ethics approved providers available at Rivendell School.

Senior students

Senior students attend Gna Ka Lun, Lawson, Sulman, Walker, and Yaralla Programs.

Rivendell School continues to develop numerous programs to support students with their academic studies and transition.

Senior students are supported academically through collegially established strategies outlined in their Individual Plans. Students have the option to undertake Preliminary and Higher School Certificate subjects through a Pathways mode of study. This may involve academic study onsite at Rivendell, combined with offsite study at another educational setting.

Each senior student has individual personal goals and plans for their educational or working life after school. The flexibility of the senior programs at Rivendell reflects this and caters for individual students by supporting transitions to work, TAFE, university, further study or other post-school options.