Rivendell School

per varios casus - through various journeys

Telephone02 9743 1075


Paterson program

The Rivendell Paterson Program is an integrating program that caters for Years 7 to 10 high school students with an emotional disturbance.

The program places emphasis on cognitive and behavioural approaches to teach students how to manage their emotional regulation and behaviour. Individual Education Plans are collaboratively designed, according to the specific needs of the student.

Criteria for Selection

Students applying for placement in the Paterson program must have a Department of Education disability confirmation sheet with a mental health code and show a degree of motivation to engage with the program. Students must have capacity to use the program to achieve identified academic goals and live within travelling distance of Rivendell School. 

Mode of Operation

Staff from Rivendell and the integration setting work collaboratively together prior to the student’s enrolment to provide collegial support for the student throughout the duration of attendance.

All students study an academic program consisting of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum and can include TAFE courses. Some subjects may involve study through Sydney Distance Education High School.

 The goals of the Paterson Program include:

  • integration of students back into their referring schools, TAFE or the workforce
  • increased positive self esteem
  • practise of strategies for improving academic focus/application
  • development of strategies for positive interactions with peers and adults

The Referral Process

Referrals can be made through the Learning Support Team of the student’s home school (Department of Education). Enquiries can be made through the School Counsellor or Learning Support Team at the student’s home school.