Rivendell School

per varios casus - through various journeys

Telephone02 9743 1075


Lawson’s love assembly

be my valentine

Last Friday, Lawson hosted the whole school assembly on the topic of Valentine’s Day. We taught Rivendell School all about the history of Valentine’s Day and St. Valentine, who performed marriages in secret after the Emperor, Claudius II, decided that single men made better soldiers than those with families, so he outlawed the practice. 

Students and staff also learned about the ancient ritual ‘lupercalia’, which was celebrated between Feb 13th – Feb 15th and is considered one of the earliest celebrations of love and fertility.

Lawson students had the time of their lives setting up the classroom in the theme of love, decorating the entry way with hanging hearts, leaving heart shaped confetti all over the classroom chairs, and even decorating the clock to remind us all of the importance of love: romantic, familial or platonic!

For the whole school activity, Lawson held true to the theme of the day, and hosted a ‘Love Song Trivia’, where groups were challenged to guess the name and artist of a song from only a 10 second clip. Students and staff had a fantastic time and got really involved in the game, singing along and even dancing. And to celebrate our winners, we gave them the ultimate Valentine’s Day prize: chocolate!