SKT Session on Anti-Bullying
The Safeguarding Kids Together (SKT) Team visited the SRC this term to discuss anti-bullying processes and procedures at Rivendell School. The purpose of this visit was to look at ‘what is bullying’ and what are the ways in which we tackle bullying issues at Rivendell School- with a priority for incorporating student voice into how we can be improving these areas. This was a wonderful opportunity for our SRC students to advocate for improvements across our school community, and also engage in a leadership exercise.The SKT team took the responses from this workshop back to the executive team and highlighted our strengths and possible gaps in our anti-bullying policies, supporting the SRC suggestions for ways we can improve these policies. Well done to the SRC representatives for participating on this day and participating in the improvement of our school.
Transition Expo
Rivendell School hosted a Transition Expo on August 18th. The Transition Expo consisted of multiple community organisations attending Rivendell School to connect people within our school community and network of SSP schools with services and organisations that assist with transitions in the areas of education, employment, independent living, and personal and social relationships. SRC representatives assisted in the setting up of the day, supporting visitors with wayfinding, welcoming everyone to the event, as well as showing people around the Expo. The SRC representatives wore a Rivendell School SRC uniform on the day, which was also a great opportunity for them to represent the student cohort within the community. We’d like to thank the transition team for supporting SRC’s involvement on the day.
Wear It Purple Day
Wear It Purple Day is a day to bring awareness and create safe environments for Rainbow Young People (LGBTQIA+), and is celebrated on 26th August. Rivendell School celebrated this important day by having two speakers come and visit the school, Victoria (she/they), a Wear It Purple representative in the morning, and Erin (they/them), from Sydney District Health after recess. They spoke about the history of Wear It Purple, and the importance of the day for queer youth, and the importance of advocacy as an ally in the school community. The SRC hosted a baked sweets stall during lunch time and raised money for the foundation! The students and staff also competed in an outfit competition, with one prize per program for the best-dressed. This was a fantastic opportunity for our SRC to advocate for the diversity of our student cohort and celebrate our uniqueness.
In addition to some of these wonderful events and activities, the SRC had the opportunity to present their ideas for improving the school community to the executive team at Rivendell. They expressed their ideas about ways to improve our Learning Centre environment to encourage and support the quality learning of all students, as well as offering ideas for how we can improve our physical grounds, but requesting we mark out a volleyball and soccer court. The SRC reps who attended the executive meeting got so much out of the opportunity to be a student leader, and hear that their ideas were received and accepted. We’re looking forward to having more opportunities to do this in the future, and thank the executive team for their support.
We look forward to another great term ahead, and can't wait to share with you what we're up to!